A Turn to the Right, and the consequences

April 28, 2021, 9:46 a.m. A review for 'The song of the lost boy' , from Anonymous

In Maggie Allder's former trilogy she presciently sounded the alarm of the consequences of England's and Amerca's rightward turn to isolationism and authoritarianism, way before Brexit and Trump.

In 'The Song of the Lost Boy' she issues another clarion call, and once again, without polemics. Rather, as in her trilogy books, it is a gripping suspense story, ignominiously told from a young orphan boy's perspective who is experiencing the neo-fascism of a closed and perilous society ruled by 'the Alliance' between England and America.

The boy, Giorgio, lives a rag-tag existence as part of a group of outcasts deemed 'feckless' …