A Book with a surprising and satisfying twist

April 28, 2021, 9:43 a.m. A review for 'A vision softly creeping' , from David Gulbrandson

Maggie Allder's much anticipated third book in her trilogy, "A Vision Softly Creeping", comes with a surprising and satisfying narrator twist.

"A Vision Softly Creeping", like the first two books in the trilogy, is a stand-alone suspense thriller. If you haven't read "Courting Rendition" and "Living with the Leopard" - do so. All will enhance the others.

Allder's first two novels were written before Brexit, before Trumpism, before the alt-right movements in Europe and other world countries. Her novels presciently foretell a world where these forces have gained control of England and America - the New Alliance. She paints a …