Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781788039635
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A vision softly creeping

Feb. 28, 2018

“I was one of the good guys, or so they believed,” writes Karl, having just successfully brought through security a document which would be considered subversive and incriminating, if it had been found. He had believed himself to be one of the good guys for years, for decades even; his life had been dedicated to the service of his country.

Now, as he approached retirement, he found himself keeping secrets from his second in command, deliberately working against the local Police Commissioner and using his hard-earned skills to evade the very authorities who had paid his wages for all his working life.

How had things come to this? His love for Alice had started it – Alice, with her concern for the underprivileged and her uncomplicated desire to help others. Somehow Karl’s eyes had been opened to a different side of the society in which he lived so comfortably. And so a journey had started which lead him to a remote Cambridgeshire village, to a desperate drive across the country during one of the worst winter storms to hit England and Wales since those countries had left the European Union, and to a tragedy that Karl did not see coming.

This book is exciting and gripping. It is unashamedly political, looking just a few years ahead from our present constitutional turmoil, to a time when England and Wales are driven into the arms of an America which is moving ever to the right. Yet it is a thoroughly human story, with characters one can relate to, characters who change and develop as the story unfolds.

The novel is both a thriller and a romance, but it also has a spiritual element that enriches the story and adds a depth and a realism to the struggles of the main characters.

Book Extracts

The events of Book 1, Courting Rendition, have come to a bitter conclusion. How did it come to this? What sort of life can Karl have now?


I really just existed during the flight across the Atlantic and the drive down to Hampshire. I was very aware, as I went through security in Houston, that I was carrying a deeply subversive document, or at least a document they would consider subversive. I had never been so grateful for the electronic tag on my passport. I was one of the good guys, or so they believed, and the check was cursory. We flew overnight and I barely slept, but the plane was quiet and the service in business class unobtrusive, and I lay back with …

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Great characters and a strong sense of place

Educator 364311

"Dark Waters," has great characters and a strong sense of place. It is an apocalyptic thriller, told in the voice of an older, wise woman, which adds to the feeling of it being a cautionary folktale. Highly recommended if you are looking to be lost in a book, and place. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A Book with a surprising and satisfying twist

David Gulbrandson

Maggie Allder's much anticipated third book in her trilogy, "A Vision Softly Creeping", comes with a surprising and satisfying narrator twist.

"A Vision Softly Creeping", like the first two books in the trilogy, is a stand-alone suspense thriller. If you haven't read "Courting Rendition" and "Living with the Leopard" - do so. All will enhance the others.

Allder's first two novels were written before Brexit, before Trumpism, before the alt-right movements in Europe and other world countries. Her novels presciently foretell a world where these forces have gained control of England and America - the New Alliance. She paints a …

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