Dark Waters

This book came out in November, but I have not made much of it yet because I didn't want friends and family buying copies before Christmas - it has been a very handy Christmas present!

This is something of a new venture. My first five books were set in and around Winchester, where I live. This book is the first of a new series, set on a fictional Scottish island and, of course, with a completely new cast of characters.

Like all my previous books, there is a political element to this story. Like many people, I am concerned about the growing gap - some might say chasm - between those in our society who are wealthy and entitled, and ordinary people. There is also a very mild Quaker element to this novel. In fact, it has been suggested to me that my failure to find an agent may be due to the Quaker slant. On the other hand, perhaps my writing just isn't up to scratch!